Webdriverio: Detailed Overview & Metrics

v8.39.1(about 21 hours ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 25Monthly npm downloads

WebdriverIO is a popular automation testing framework for Node.js. It provides a simple and concise syntax for writing automated tests using the WebDriver protocol. WebdriverIO supports various testing frameworks like Mocha and Jasmine, as well as integrations with cloud testing platforms like Sauce Labs and BrowserStack. It offers a rich set of commands for browser automation, element interaction, and assertions, making it easy to create robust and maintainable test scripts.

Compared to other automation testing tools like Selenium WebDriver, WebdriverIO offers a more modern and user-friendly API, better integration with Node.js ecosystem, and improved performance. It is actively maintained with regular updates and a strong community support.

Alternatives: Selenium WebDriver, TestCafe, Cypress

Tags: automationtestingNode.jsWebDriverMochaJasmine