Waterline: Detailed Overview & Metrics

v0.15.2(over 1 year ago)

This package is deprecated. Consider finding alternatives.Types definitions are provided via a separate npm package: @types/waterlineNumber of direct dependencies: 10Monthly npm downloads

Waterline is a powerful and flexible ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) library for Node.js applications. It provides a simple data access layer that abstracts the database interactions, allowing developers to work with different databases using a unified API. Waterline supports various database systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and more, making it versatile for different project requirements.

Compared to other ORM libraries like Sequelize and TypeORM, Waterline stands out for its schemaless approach, which allows for dynamic data modeling and easy schema migrations. However, Waterline is no longer actively maintained and is considered a legacy package. It is recommended to explore alternative ORM solutions like Sequelize or TypeORM for modern and actively supported projects.

Alternatives: sequelize, TypeORM, Objection.js

Tags: node.jsORMdatabasedata-accessschemaless