vue-select: Detailed Overview & Metrics

v3.20.3(3 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are provided via a separate npm package: @types/vue-selectNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

Vue Select is a flexible and customizable select dropdown component for Vue.js applications. It provides a simple and elegant solution for creating dropdowns with search functionality, tagging support, and asynchronous options loading. Vue Select offers a smooth user experience with keyboard navigation, accessibility features, and customizable styling options.

Compared to other select dropdown libraries, Vue Select stands out for its ease of use, performance optimization, and extensive documentation. It is actively maintained and regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest Vue.js versions, making it a reliable choice for developers looking to enhance their application with a feature-rich select dropdown component.

Alternatives: v-select, vue-multiselect, vue-dropdowns

Tags: vue.jsdropdownselectcomponentcustomizable