vue-multiselect: Detailed Overview & Metrics

v3.0.0(3 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

Vue-Multiselect is a Vue.js component for creating powerful and customizable multi-select dropdowns. It provides a user-friendly interface for selecting multiple options from a list, with features like tagging, search functionality, and customizable styling. Vue-Multiselect is highly flexible and can be easily integrated into Vue.js projects, offering a seamless user experience for handling multiple selections.

Compared to other multi-select libraries, Vue-Multiselect stands out for its simplicity, ease of use, and extensive customization options. It is actively maintained with regular updates and a responsive community, ensuring compatibility with the latest Vue.js versions and providing ongoing support for users.

Alternatives: vue-select, vue-multiselect-next, v-select

Tags: vue.jscomponentmulti-selectdropdowncustomizable