Tape: Detailed Overview & Metrics

v5.8.1(18 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are provided via a separate npm package: @types/tapeNumber of direct dependencies: 22Monthly npm downloads

Tape is a minimalistic JavaScript testing framework for Node.js and browsers. It provides a simple and lightweight way to write and run tests, focusing on simplicity and ease of use. With Tape, you can write tests using plain JavaScript functions and assertions, without the need for additional syntax or configuration. It offers a clean and minimal API that allows for quick setup and execution of tests.

Compared to other testing frameworks like Jest or Mocha, Tape stands out for its minimalistic approach and lack of global state, making it a good choice for small projects or developers who prefer simplicity over advanced features.

Alternatives: jest, mocha, ava

Tags: javascripttestingframeworkNode.jsbrowser