SWR: Detailed Overview & Metrics

v2.2.5(5 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 2Monthly npm downloads

SWR is a lightweight React Hooks library for data fetching. It provides a simple and efficient way to fetch data, revalidate it, and manage caching in React applications. SWR focuses on providing a great developer experience by automatically revalidating data when the component is re-rendered or when a specified interval has passed. It also offers built-in support for error handling and deduplication of requests, making it easy to work with remote data in React components.

Compared to other data fetching libraries like Axios or Fetch, SWR is specifically designed for React applications and seamlessly integrates with React's rendering lifecycle. It simplifies the process of fetching and managing data, reducing boilerplate code and improving performance.

Alternatives: axios, fetch, react-query

Tags: reacthooksdata-fetchingcachingdeveloper-experience