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v4.7.5(4 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 7Monthly npm downloads

Socket.IO is a real-time communication library for Node.js that enables bidirectional event-based communication between clients and servers. It simplifies the process of building real-time web applications by providing features like WebSocket support, fallback options for older browsers, and automatic reconnection. Socket.IO allows for seamless integration with various platforms and frameworks, making it a popular choice for chat applications, online gaming, and collaborative tools.

Compared to alternatives like WebSocket API and SockJS, Socket.IO offers a higher level of abstraction and additional features like room support and broadcasting, making it easier to handle complex real-time scenarios.

Alternatives: websocket, sockjs, pusher

Tags: node.jsreal-timecommunicationwebsocketsevents