Sapper: Detailed Overview & Metrics

v0.29.3(almost 3 years ago)

This package is deprecated: SvelteKit is the successor to Sapper - package doesn't have any types definitionsNumber of direct dependencies: 6Monthly npm downloads

Sapper is a framework for building server-rendered web applications with Svelte. It provides a powerful combination of Svelte's component-based approach and server-side rendering capabilities, resulting in fast and SEO-friendly web applications. Sapper simplifies the development process by handling routing, code-splitting, and server-side rendering out of the box.

Compared to other server-side rendering frameworks like Next.js or Nuxt.js, Sapper stands out for its seamless integration with Svelte and its lightweight nature. It offers a smooth developer experience and efficient performance, making it a great choice for building dynamic web applications.

Alternatives: next.js, nuxt.js, svelte-kit

Tags: javascriptframeworkserver-renderingsvelteweb