Prometheus client: Detailed Overview & Metrics

v15.1.3(7 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 2Monthly npm downloads

prom-client is a Node.js client library for Prometheus, a popular monitoring and alerting toolkit. It allows you to instrument your Node.js applications and expose custom metrics in a format that Prometheus can scrape and store. prom-client simplifies the process of collecting and exposing metrics like request durations, error rates, and custom business metrics, enabling you to gain insights into the performance and health of your applications.

Compared to other monitoring solutions, prom-client offers seamless integration with Prometheus and follows its best practices for monitoring. It provides a lightweight and efficient way to monitor Node.js applications without introducing significant overhead.

Alternatives: prometheus-api-metrics, express-prom-bundle, prometheus-node-metrics

Tags: node.jsprometheusmonitoringmetricsinstrumentation