mobx-state-tree: Detailed Overview & Metrics

v6.0.0(about 2 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

MobX-State-Tree (MST) is a powerful state management library for React applications, offering a simple and intuitive way to manage application state with minimal boilerplate. MST combines the best features of MobX and Immutable data structures to provide a flexible and efficient state management solution. It allows you to define complex data models with observable properties, actions, and computed values, making it easy to create scalable and maintainable applications.

Compared to Redux or MobX alone, MobX-State-Tree simplifies the process of managing complex state structures and enables better organization of application logic. It provides built-in support for snapshots, patches, and middleware, enhancing the debugging and testing experience.

Alternatives: redux, mobx, effector

Tags: javascriptstate-managementreactmobximmutable-data