Loglevel: Detailed Overview & Metrics

v1.9.1(5 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

Loglevel is a lightweight and flexible JavaScript logging library that provides customizable logging levels and methods for logging messages to the console. It offers a simple API for logging messages with different severity levels, allowing developers to control the verbosity of their logs based on the environment or application requirements. Loglevel is easy to integrate into projects and can be configured to output logs to different targets like the console, files, or remote servers.

Compared to other logging libraries like Winston or Bunyan, Loglevel is more lightweight and focused on simplicity, making it a good choice for smaller projects or applications where a full-featured logging solution is not necessary.

Alternatives: winston, bunyan, pino

Tags: javascriptloggingconsoleseverity-levelsflexible