graphql-request: Detailed Overview & Metrics

v7.1.0(13 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.The package doesn't have any types definitionsNumber of direct dependencies: 3Monthly npm downloads

graphql-request is a lightweight and flexible JavaScript library for making GraphQL queries to a server. It simplifies the process of sending GraphQL requests by providing a clean and intuitive API for fetching data. With graphql-request, you can easily send queries, mutations, and subscriptions to a GraphQL endpoint and handle the responses efficiently.

Compared to other GraphQL client libraries like Apollo Client or Relay, graphql-request is more lightweight and focused on just the essential features needed for making GraphQL requests. It is actively maintained, well-documented, and suitable for projects where a full-fledged GraphQL client may be overkill.

Alternatives: apollo-client, relay, urql

Tags: javascriptgraphqlquerymutationsubscription