Gatsby: Detailed Overview & Metrics

v5.13.6(about 1 month ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 168Monthly npm downloads

Gatsby is a modern static site generator built on top of React. It allows developers to build fast and optimized websites using React components, GraphQL for data fetching, and a rich plugin ecosystem. Gatsby's key features include server-side rendering, code splitting, image optimization, and automatic routing, making it ideal for building performant and SEO-friendly websites.

Compared to traditional static site generators like Jekyll or Hugo, Gatsby offers a more modern development experience with hot reloading, React components, and GraphQL data layer. It is actively maintained with regular updates and a growing community support.

Alternatives: Next.js, Hugo, Jekyll

Tags: javascriptstatic-site-generatorreactgraphqloptimization