ember-apollo-client: Detailed Overview & Metrics

v4.1.1(about 1 year ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.The package doesn't have any types definitionsNumber of direct dependencies: 7Monthly npm downloads

Ember Apollo Client is a powerful integration of Apollo Client with the Ember.js framework, enabling developers to easily manage GraphQL data in their Ember applications. It provides a seamless way to fetch and manage data from a GraphQL API, with features like caching, optimistic UI updates, and real-time subscriptions.

Compared to other GraphQL client libraries for Ember.js, Ember Apollo Client offers a robust and well-integrated solution that leverages the strengths of both technologies. It simplifies the process of working with GraphQL in Ember applications and provides a more efficient and scalable way to handle data fetching and management.

Alternatives: ember-apollo, ember-graphql

Tags: ember.jsgraphqldata-managementclient-libraryintegration