Billboard.js: Detailed Overview & Metrics

v3.12.4(22 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 15Monthly npm downloads

Billboard.js is a versatile and interactive JavaScript charting library for creating various types of charts, including line, bar, pie, and scatter plots. It offers a simple and intuitive API that allows developers to customize the appearance and behavior of the charts easily. Billboard.js is known for its responsiveness and performance, making it suitable for visualizing data in web applications.

Compared to other charting libraries like Chart.js and D3.js, Billboard.js stands out for its simplicity and ease of use, especially for developers looking to quickly create visually appealing charts without diving deep into complex configurations.

Alternatives: chart.js, d3.js, plotly.js

Tags: javascriptchartingvisualizationinteractiveresponsive