Ajv: Detailed Overview & Metrics

v8.16.0(about 1 month ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 4Monthly npm downloads

Ajv (Another JSON Schema Validator) is a fast and efficient JSON schema validator for JavaScript. It allows you to define and validate JSON data structures based on JSON Schema, ensuring data consistency and integrity. Ajv supports the latest JSON Schema draft and provides comprehensive validation capabilities, including data types, formats, and custom validations.

Compared to other JSON schema validators, Ajv stands out for its performance and adherence to the JSON Schema standard. It is actively maintained with regular updates and a strong community support. Ajv is a reliable choice for projects requiring robust JSON validation.

Alternatives: json-schema-validator, z-schema, jsonschema

Tags: javascriptjsonschemavalidationdata consistency